Cuda Pathtracer

graphics C++

First hobby pathtracer written in CUDA. Contains a limited amount of features, including Texturing, Normal Mapping, IBL, and Depth Of Field.


vr graphics js three.js

WebVR experience in which users can draw and build a world in the same way they would do it in Tilt Brush or Quill. ArtFlow was made to finalize my Master’s Degree at EPITA.


games graphics

FPSDesigner is a “Unity-like” editor to help build FPS games. It’s designed into two parts, a C# Core Engine running on top of XNA, as well as a WPF editor to build the levels.



Say hi to Swizzler, a Rust CLI to swizzle multiple texture channels into a single output. The CLI can be run on a directory tree and convert textures automatically using a JSON configuration. Useful to pack textures for game development.